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About company

We conducted successful and full-fledged trading sessions with our forex advisors during Brexit and the US Presidential Election, while many forex advisors from other companies lost their deposits.

Kalinka Capital OU is an Estonian-based investment company that specializes in the development and implementation of algorithmic trading systems for financial markets. The company was founded in 2012 by a group of experienced traders and financial professionals with a background in high-frequency trading and quantitative analysis.

Kalinka Capital's main area of focus is the development of automated trading systems that use advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify profitable trading opportunities in global financial markets. The company's systems are designed to operate 24/7 and use real-time data feeds to make rapid decisions based on market conditions.

Kalinka Capital also provides training and consulting services for traders and investors who are interested in learning more about algorithmic trading and quantitative analysis. The company's team of experts has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this field and can provide guidance and support to help clients optimize their trading strategies and improve their overall investment performance.

Overall, Kalinka Capital is a reputable and well-regarded company in the field of algorithmic trading and quantitative analysis, with a focus on developing innovative and effective trading systems for their clients.

Welcome to the world of forex trading! Into the world of valid decisions into the world of profitable investments!